Android Development (Kotlin)

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About Course

Aspiring Android developers will embark on a journey to master Kotlin, the modern programming language for Android app development.
Advanced topics covered in this track include:

Advanced Kotlin Programming Concepts
Reactive Programming
MVVM and Clean Architecture Patterns
Dependency Injection with Dagger or Koin
Room Database and Data Persistence
Working with RESTful APIs and Retrofit
Integrating Push Notifications and Cloud Messaging
Advanced UI Customization and Animation Techniques
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What Will You Learn?

  • Advanced Kotlin Programming Concepts
  • Reactive Programming
  • MVVM and Clean Architecture Patterns
  • Dependency Injection with Dagger or Koin
  • Room Database and Data Persistence
  • Working with RESTful APIs and Retrofit
  • Integrating Push Notifications and Cloud Messaging
  • Advanced UI Customization and Animation Techniques

Course Content

Introduction to programming

  • Difference between Software , System and Application.
  • Java Types
  • Java SE
  • IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Java SE Basics

Object Oriented Programming

Data structure

Introduction to Android

UI Components part1 & Intent

UI Components part2 & Fragments

Project 2 part1

Firebase Services

Project 2 part2

Web Services & API

Project 3

Local database & Threading

Project 3

Design patterns & Architecture

Google Maps

Project 5

Kotlin Basics & Kotlin OOP & build App with kotlin

Advanced Kotlin

Dependency Injection