About Course
Aspiring Android developers will embark on a journey to master Kotlin, the modern programming language for Android app development.
Advanced topics covered in this track include:
Advanced Kotlin Programming Concepts
Reactive Programming
MVVM and Clean Architecture Patterns
Dependency Injection with Dagger or Koin
Room Database and Data Persistence
Working with RESTful APIs and Retrofit
Integrating Push Notifications and Cloud Messaging
Advanced UI Customization and Animation Techniques
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What Will You Learn?
- Advanced Kotlin Programming Concepts
- Reactive Programming
- MVVM and Clean Architecture Patterns
- Dependency Injection with Dagger or Koin
- Room Database and Data Persistence
- Working with RESTful APIs and Retrofit
- Integrating Push Notifications and Cloud Messaging
- Advanced UI Customization and Animation Techniques
Course Content
Introduction to programming
Difference between Software , System and Application.
Java Types
Java SE
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Java SE Basics
JVM(Java virtual machine)
Project Structure
Hello World Application
Variables and Data types
Conditional statements (IF – Switch)
Loops (For – While – Do While)
Object Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Encapsulation and data hiding
Abstraction (Abstract classes – Interfaces)
Project 1 – Create full Egyptian league System using database (java)
Data structure
Stack & queue
Dynamic Array
Introduction to Android
Android Studio versions
Installing Android Studio
Android Studio overview
Create Sample project
Run & Debugging
UI Components part1 & Intent
Support deferent screen sizes
Intents (implicite – explicit)
Intent Filtres
UI Components part2 & Fragments
Menus (options-context-popup)
What is Fragments?
Fragment Lifecycle
Fragment With TabLayout
Project 2 part1
Full What’s App Design
Firebase Services
Firebase Realtime
Firebase Authentication
Firebase Storage
firebase to push Notifications
Project 2 part2
Complete What’s App with chat
Web Services & API
Web Services concept in backend
What is API?
Rest API
APIs with Retrofit
How to use in android?
Project 3
Movies App
Local database & Threading
What is local database?
Shared Preference
Understanding SQL queries
Use Room database (from google Arch Components)
What is Thread ?
Use background thread using (RxJava)
Integrate local database (Room) with API
Project 3
Contacts Application
Design patterns & Architecture
Singleton & factory & builder and observer
what is design arch MVC,MVP,MVVM
How to choose efficient design pattern to your project
How to implement MVVM
using LiveData (Google Arch Components)
What is repository pattern.
How to choose efficient design pattern to your project
Project 4 – Movie app using (MVVM,Room, Rxjava , RxAnfdroid, Retrofit)
Google Maps
Integration with google maps
How get current location
Integration with google direction Api
Integrate live tracking using Firebase
Project 5
Uber sample
Kotlin Basics & Kotlin OOP & build App with kotlin
Difference between java & kotlin
Variables and Data types
Conditional statements
Kotlin OOP
Build Movies App using kotlin.
Advanced Kotlin
high order function & extension function
Lambda expression
Inline & crossline
Kotlin coroutine
Coroutine flows
Dependency Injection
What is Dependency Injection
Dagger Hilt